Department of Energy to give out billions more dollars, to crony's, without addressing the hundreds of applicants it sabotaged and put out of business the first time around
Just because Steven Chu was sent packing, it does not mean the corruption and application rigging has ended
Where is the public transparency? Why are secret reviewers all campaign insiders? Is Moniz Chu 2.0? Who will make things right?
They claim the cash is to help but nobody gets the cash except campaign financiers!!!!!
DOE Finalizes $1B New Loan Guarantee Authority for Fossil Fuel, Renewables, and Energy Efficiency Projects
| Sonal Patel
The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) authority to issue loan guarantees officially received a $1 billion boost, which will be split between its Advanced Fossil Energy Projects solicitation and Renewable Energy and Efficient Energy Projects solicitation.
The agency has finalized the additional loan guarantee authority that President Obama announced in August. It means that more loan guarantees are available under the DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) solicitations. The Advanced Fossil Energy Projects solicitation (which also includes distributed energy projects) now has an additional $500 million, making a total $8.5 billion available. It also adds $500 million to raise the total for the Renewable Energy and Efficient Energy Projects solicitation to $4.5 billion.
Supplemental guidances issued on Oct. 21 also add new rounds of Part I and Part II application deadlines that extend well into 2016.
DOE loan guarantee applications typically undergo a two-part review: Part I determines the initial eligibility of a project and whether it is ready to proceed, and Part II, for applications that clear Part I, includes the full application process. The LPO then grants a conditional commitment to selected applicants, who next undergo the complete underwriting process and negotiation of terms for the loan guarantee.
“We hope these announcements continue to encourage innovative energy projects to apply for Title XVII loan guaranteesand we look forward to doing more deals in the future,” said LPO Executive Director Mark McCall in a statement.
The LPO now has open solicitations in four areas: the $8.5 billion Advanced Fossil Energy Projects solicitation; the $4.5 billion Renewable Energy and Efficient Energy Projects solicitation; the $16 billion Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing loan program; and the $12.5 billion Advanced Nuclear Energy Projects solicitation. The office had reportedly received $12 billion worth of proposals as of July 2015.
To date, the agency has disbursed $32.4 billion to 30 projects under Section 1703 ($8.33 billion of that to Southern Co.’s Vogtle reactors and $2 billion to AREVA’s Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility), Section 1705 (which expired in September 2011 and furnished mostly renewables, transmission, or biofuels projects with loan guarantees), and advanced technology vehicles manufacturing.
Tesla Motors and the Road To Corruption
By Amy Landin- Washington Digital Review
It began as an idea by a couple of guys (none of whom were Elon Musk) who wanted to stiff it to the petroleum industry. It ended with political crime, corruption and the theft of tens of billions of taxpayer's dollars.
Jason was a junior level accounting major at Georgetown University. He had been recruited by Lachlan Seward, the loan program coordinator for the United States Secretary of Energy: Steven Chu. Jason thought that his low pay would yield big resume points, because, on this late October evening, he was going over the use of funds for a twenty five billion dollar “special” government fund. It was “big ticket” project and he knew he would be able to impress Wall Street, when he went job hunting at the end of this internship.
There was one problem, though, as he poured over the papers spread across the conference table on the upper floor of 1000 Independence Avenue, in the U.S. capital.
As he looked at the figures in front of him, again, he had a shiver go up his spine.
It wasn't excitement, it wasn't anticipation, It wasn't the chill of the office. He was beginning to think that something was horribly, horribly wrong.
The problem was, he just realized he was being ordered to arrange the materials in order to hand the taxpayer money over to the least qualified applicant. Additionally, the least qualified applicant was best friends with, and helped nominate, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu.
The applicant was Tesla Motors.
Nearly a billion dollars of taxpayer money has been spent on media hype about Tesla Motors and Elon Musk. Almost the full extent of that media smoke-screen, and Internet search engine rigging obfuscation effort, has been dedicated to keeping the public from finding out the truth about Tesla Motors.
Tesla was started by a couple of tech nerds who really hated oil companies. It labored for a number of years with little to show. Elon Musk then showed up, to run a hostile take-over of Tesla, and threw the founders out, during some very nasty lawsuits in which Tesla founder: Martin, accused him in court papers, and blogs, of being a fraud and a weasel.
Musk, and his Silicon Valley Cartel, had figured out a way to monopolize lithium mining deals in Afghanistan, and other war-profiteered regions. He had hooked up with Senator's Feinstein and Reid, via some spectacularly crooked insider stock, real-estate and supplier contract kick-back schemes, in order to grease the skids for a business conglomerate based on government hand-outs.
The $25 billion dollars had come from the U.S. taxpayers under a law called the Section 136 law. It was no ordinary pig trough bill. It had restrictions which, if violated, would meet the legal requirements of a felony-grade crime. John Doerr, Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk had crafted the schemed up portion of the Section 136 Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing fund. It It was rigged to put tens of billions of taxpayer dollars right in their pockets, via an elaborate smoke-and-mirrors scam.
What Jason was looking at showed, in a side by side shoot-out, with all 200+ applicants, that Tesla Motors, compared to all others, was not only the least qualified but was in violation of the very law that operated the fund. Additionally, Tesla's investors were campaign financiers, and they had been demanding that the applicants who competed with them, get “nixed”.
The documents and the Treasury, SEC and GAO reports seemed to indicate that something was wrong in Tesla-land.
The law said that the applicant must use existing factories: Tesla was applying to build new real estate in order to benefit Diane Feinsteins husband's realty holdings.
The law said that the applicant must not be on the verge of bankruptcy yet Elon Musk had told Energy Department executives that Tesla would go bankrupt without the cash. Musk later confessed to this in on-camera interviews.
The law said that Tesla must comply with NEPA non-toxicity rules yet the Tesla factories were known to emit cancer-causing materials and had killed thousands of workers in China. Additionally, a plan to build a Nevada Tesla battery factory was found to be so toxic that it could kill entire towns from the toxic run-off. Additionally, disposal of Tesla batteries creates a domestic toxic dump as bad as Three Mile Island.
The law said that the money must be used to create U.S. jobs, yet Tesla was planning on (and, in fact, did) hiring a large number of H-1B off-shore workers.
The law said that the awardee had to pay an awarding fee. Tesla never paid the fee and their staff even bragged about the waiver in a public presentation.
The law said that the awardee had to have a factory-ready design. During the entire time of Tesla's application; not only did they not have any design but they used the money they got from the taxpayers, to start from scratch and figure it out. Their submitted napkin design was $100,000.00 over-budget PER CAR, during the DOE application period time. Nothing in the DOE Tesla application technical design “rough idea” has any resemblance to the car that actually emerged from the “factory”.
Outside of the Section 136 law, federal criminal law says that you must not bribe politicians to get awarded federal money. Tesla has been shown to have bribed the very politicians that awarded the taxpayer cash.
The section 136 law said that the applicant must have a top-level “debt ratio”. A debt ratio is how much money has been dumped into a company vs. the likelihood of paying all of the investors back. Tesla had THE WORST DEBT RATIO of all 200+ applicants. In other words, based on Treasury investigators analysis: Tesla had burned up so much money, with so little potential, and so little volume demand, that the ability to survive was almost nil. Department of Energy staff, who were, exclusively, hand-holding Tesla through the DOE program, helped arranged for a Detroit car company to temporarily acquire some Tesla stock in order to help Tesla fudge their book-keeping, so that the debt-ratio would falsely appear to balance just long enough for the award of taxpayer cash to be issued. Most of Tesla's main sales were to it's own investors and political fan-boys, in order to inflate order reports.
Tesla's application promised to sell at least 200,000 cars by 2012. In fact Tesla, as of today, has barely sold a tiny fraction of that number, after missing every milestone in it's original application, and after wasting more money, per car, than any other car maker in manufacturing history.
These violations of the rules of the programs, the laws of the nation and the realms of morality went on and on. The list was long. Jason was now sweating.
Here was a company that appeared to be a total sham. It was a hyped up, internet-buzz calculated, stock market skim machine. It's supporters were the leaders in the use of “Flash Boy” stock market manipulation algorithms. Tesla shared the same plot of land with another company, which involved most of the same people. That other company was the soon-to-be-FBI-raided SOLYNDRA.
What was Jason going to tell his boss at The Department of Energy? He visualized his career swirling around the rim of a toilet bowl as he tried to form the words, in his mind, to tell his boss that the applicant, called Tesla Motors, was a stink bomb.
Jason never got to have that meeting with his boss. The next day the Department of Energy controller, who sat in between the boss and Jason, took the briefing from Jason. He complimented Jason on his excellent work but said that he would handle the revelation with the boss.
Not that many weeks later, Jason was shocked to see Steven Chu on CNN announcing the award of the vast sums of the taxpayer cash, via the $25 Billion dollar “special fund” to Elon Musk and Tesla Motors.
What had happened?, he wondered. What could have erased a volume of dark revelations from review? Having not yet heard of”Lois Lerner” or the “Hillary Email Caper” yet, he could not imagine what had gone sideways.
He made his way, with urgency, to the controller's office, where he had first disclosed his findings. The controller looked up as he walked in, gave a commiserating expression and simply said...” ...I know, how you must feel about now..”
“There is nothing you can do except forget that this ever happened. We got a memo. This memo! (he held a piece of paper up, facing away from Jason). “I can't ever show it to you, but it is a game-changer.”
Jason saw the memo, lit from behind, as the controller held it, facing away from Jason, but back-lit by the setting sun. It had a very distinct blue circular logo, at the top, and a watermark that is like no other in the world.
The White House had ordered the wave-through of their campaign financier's company despite all of the known false-hoods, misdeeds and out-right lies that Tesla had engaged in.
Automated mass internet manipulation attack “Troll Farm” Tactics used by Tesla to rig internet perceptions:
Silicon Valley cartel: Apple, Google, and others
A group of 60,000 Silicon Valley workers got clearance today to move ahead with a lawsuit based on an explosive allegation that Apple, Google, Adobe, and ……
The Cartels of Silicon Valley – CounterPunch
Last week Mark Ames published an article that should forever destroy any connection between theSilicon Valley tech billionaires and libertarian worldviews.
The Silicon Valley cartel | MetaFilter
Mark Ames on Silicon Valley’s conspiracy to drive down workers’ wages: In early 2005, as demand for Silicon Valley engineers began booming, Apple’s Steve Jobs …
Former NYC Regulator: Uber a ‘SiliconValley Cartel’ in ..
Silicon Valley’s latest class of transportation disruptors, which is led by Uber and Lyft, can be described in a myriad of ways, but the word “cartel ……
Mexican Cartel Links to Silicon Valley | NBC Bay Area
Often, families living in Silicon Valley work for the cartel processing the drugs, sometimes out of their homes. “It is a business,” he said.…
Silicon Valley fends off cartel concerns | GlobalPost
Mexico’s Silicon Valley fends off cartel concerns. Tech geeks scramble to build the next Facebook in the drug war’s shadow. Tweet. Enlarge.…
Silicon Valley Anti-Poaching Cartel Went Beyond a Few Tech
The gentleman’s agreement that several Silicon Valley firms are now widely known to have taken part in to minimize employee poaching within their own circles went ……
REVEALED: Court docs show role of Pixar and Dreamworks
Just when the tech giants behind the Silicon Valley “Techtopus” wage fixing cartel thought the worst was behind them, US District Judge Lucy Koh has thrown a ……
The Techtopus The Silicon Valley Wage Suppression Cartel W
The Techtopus The Silicon Valley Wage Suppression Cartel W Mark Ames, TV Series Full Episodes English Subtitles…
Silicon Valley Drug Bust Shows Strong Ties To Mexican Cartels
… Patrick Vanier, Santa Clara County, Silicon Valley, … Silicon Valley Drug Bust Show Strong Ties To Mexican Cartel; KCBS’ Matt Bigler Reports…
Engineers Allege Hiring Collusion in SiliconValley –
A class-action suit by Silicon Valley engineers against companies including Google, Apple and Intel has revealed details of an agreement among them not to ……
Elon Musk: Government’s $5 Billion Man –
C apitalism 2015: In corporate finance today, the theme is “Go where the money is.” For Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, SolarCity and SpaceX, the place to hunt for cash isn ……
Elon Musk |
Elon Musk, as likable a guy as he is and as cool as his cars are, is a big time crony capitalist. In fact, as the LA Times reports, crony capitalism is absolutely …
Tesla Loving Care | The American
But that doesn’t mean we won’t continue to be forced to “help” Elon Musk build these mobile … Tesla Loving Care. The charmed life of a crony corporatist …
Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in crony cash. Let’s crowd-fund Elon Musk’s trip to Mars and send him there as fast as possible ..
Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies … Musk/Tesla and company are very good about repaying Govt loans.
Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in ..
Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a multibillion-dollar fortune running companies that make electric cars, sell solar panels and launch rockets ……
The Tesla Fraud –
But that doesn’t mean we won’t continue to be forced to “help” Elon Musk … monuments to crony … The argument is that each Tesla built with these kickback …
Nevada, Taxes, Elon Musk, CronyCapitalism and Jobs – WSJ
Nevada, Taxes, Elon Musk, Crony Capitalism and Jobs I would advise Mr. Musk that politicians love you until you’ve given them what they want.…
Elon Musk: Objectivists’ Dream or Just Another Crony – Galt’s .
Elon Musk: Objectivists’ Dream or Just Another Crony – Galt’s Gulch…
Crony Capitalism Pays Big For Democratic Donor Elon Musk
The same could be said in our opinion for the rest of the subsidies in Elon Musk’s crony government-fed portfolio. Login or register to post comments;…
Elon Musk And His Apparent Regrets Over The 13th Amendment
Elon Musk And His Apparent Regrets Over The 13th Amendment Crony Capitalism Goes Above The Law And Beneath Contempt In Oregon…
Top Obama crony capitalist deserts Zuckerberg immigration scam
Now Elon Musk, one of Obama’s big crony capitalist cronies, has decided to drop out. Elon Muskcashed in on Tesla, an electric car company, which got $465 million ……
Elon Musk——$4.9 Billion Crony Capitalist Mooch | David
Crony Capitalist Culprits; History Page; Chart Gallery. Stockman’s Corner Stockman’s Corner Chinese Stock Market’s Wile E. Coyote Moment by Bloomberg Business ……
Elon Musk——$4.9 Billion Crony Capitalist Mooch — Elon Musk’s
Elon Musk——$4.9 Billion Crony Capitalist Mooch — Elon Musk’s Growing Empire Is Fueled By $4.9 Billion In Government Subsidies…
Is Elon Musk taking taxpayers for a ride with 3 different ..
Is Elon Musk taking taxpayers for a ride with … crony capitalism cronyism DoE Elon Musk green money Musk Pay Pal … Carpetbagger Crony Capitalist Terry McAuliffe ……
Elon Musk Plays California for Tax Breaks, Then Moves SpaceX .
Elon Musk Plays California for Tax Breaks, Then Moves SpaceX Operations … Having played the Golden State for SpaceX crony capital “goodies,” Elon Musk seems to ……
Elon Musk | Stop Crony Capitalism
Stop crony capitalism! tw FB. Elon Musk. June 5, 2015. Stop Betting on the Come – Subsidies Not the Answer.
Jason Mattera Exposes Crony Crapitalist, Tesla CEO Elon Musk
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is a big, huge crony Crapitalist. And “if there’s a single, major criticism of ElonMusk,” writes Business Insider’s Matthew Debord, “it ……
Inside The Washington Termination ofElon Musk | TECHNOCRACY
Inside The Washington Termination of Elon Musk Today NASA … The White House promised ElonMusk and his crony … The Google Politics Kickback Process.…
Elon Musk Has Raided 150 People From Apple For Tesla
This is an interesting little story: Elon Musk has been deliberately and specifically hiring people away from Apple to go work with him at Tesla.…
Elon Musk Why do so many people from In-Q-Tel work for Elon Musk? |
Billionaire tech mogul and pop technologist Elon Musk says none of the taxpayer incentives his businesses receive are necessary, “but they are all helpful.” Musk
Elon Musk——$4.9 Billion Crony Capitalist Mooch
Elon Musk—–$4.9 Billion Crony Capitalist Mooch. 10 min ago Contra Corner …——$49-Billion…
Your guide to Venture Capital Mobsters…
Angelgate is a controversy surrounding allegations of price fixing and collusion among a group of ten angel investors in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Collusion Charges Still Linger Over `AngelGate’ – CBS News
The latest Silicon Valley online guessing game: Was price-fixing on the menu when a group of high-profile tech investors met recently at a downtown San Francisco ……
Collusion – Quora
AngelGate: Is collusion between angel investors to gain an advantage in investing in startups illegal? Antone Johnson, Studied antitrust law at Columbia wit …
AngelGate : Is collusion between investors to gain an
This answer addresses the question of whether investor collusion is illegal, but not the specific behavior discussed on TechCrunch. Under the Williams Act which ……
AngelGate Is “100 Percent Accurate,” Says Michael Arrington
AngelGate Is “100 Percent Accurate,” Says Michael Arrington. … Arrington said he later learned, “collusion” and “price fixing” were on the menu. …“100-percent-accurat…
Investors deny ‘Angelgate’ collusion – San Francisco Business …
TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington shocked readers Tuesday afternoon by accusing an unnamed group of “ten or so” prominent early stage technology investors — so …
So A Blogger Walks Into A Bar… | TechCrunch
So A Blogger Walks Into A Bar … Collusion and price fixing, … Rage. AngelGate Is Far From Over; Ron Conway Drops A Nuclear Bomb On The Super Angels …
Crooked Angels: Blogger Accuses Top Tech Investors of ..
“If there are any collusion efforts among angel investors, then it would be a huge public service to expose the collusion and get it to stop.”…
Super Angel collusion | Pearltrees
Here’s Who Was At That Secret Valley Super-Angel Collusion Meeting. Hooray For Mike Arrington. …AngelGate Is “100 Percent Accurate,” Says Michael Arrington.
Liminal states :: “Angelgate“: Collusion is so hot right now
There is an angel conspiracy. It dark, it is devious, and it is far-reaching. The conspirators number amongst them many of the top people in the Valley, including …
Angelgate – Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
Angelgate. By Felix Salmon. September 22, 2010. … It is a market where the investors wish they could inject some collusion. But they can’t and they won …
#AngelGate, Dave McClure and Re: Why I Stopped Reading Hacker …
#AngelGate (Read this for a … Dave McClure and Re: Why I Stopped Reading Hacker News. 25 September 2010 … I thought collusion mattered only if the people involved ……
AngelGate dispute among Valley investors cracks wide open .
Arrington alleged that he heard the meeting was about illegal collusion. … AngelGate dispute among Valley investors cracks wide open.…
#AngelGate Collusion In Europe? We’d Need Much More …
Here in Europe we’ve been fascinated by what has become known as AngelGate. But after talking all day to many contacts today across the tech scene in……
Venture Capital Racketeering & “AngelGate” – THE NEWS
Venture Capital Racketeering & “AngelGate” … More results Liminal states :: “Angelgate“: Collusion is so hot right nowUpdate, September 7: Or maybe not!
ANGEL COLLUSION SCANDAL ROCKS SILICON VALLEY! [The Video] Henry Blodget; Sep. 22, 2010, 3:34 PM; 7,257; 18; facebook; linkedin; twitter; email; print; Follow Business ……
Collusion | OoTheNigerian
#AngelGate, Dave McClure and Re: Why I Stopped Reading Hacker News. 25 September 2010 by Oo #AngelGate (Read this for a little background) Summary: A group of …
AngelGate meeting scandal gives Bin 38 lots of free publicity
AngelGate meeting scandal gives Bin 38 lots of free publicity, punchlines, and a Hitler parody. Bin 38 was the scene of an Angels meeting. Photo: Mark ……
What Entrepreneurs Should do about Price Fixing – CloudAve
I returned to my house, flipped on my Mac and see AngelGate, … As a funny coincidence I happend to have written about the topic of collusion 3 weeks prior to the ……
Showdown! Angels, Arrington to Go Mano a Mano | WIRED
That would be an illegal form of collusion in what should be a … It’s so perfectly timed one might even think that HeavensGate InvestiGate AngelGate* might be …
Liminal states :: Fretting, asking, and begging isn’t a plan …
Fretting, asking, and begging isn’t a plan: the Arrington kerfuffle and women in tech. … Angelgate:Collusion’s such an ugly word has more, …
How Michael Arrington’s School of Friendship Journalism Led .
How Michael Arrington’s School of Friendship Journalism Led to ‘AngelGate … including AngelGate, the scandal over price collusion that roiled the tech world ……
AngelGate: Ron Conway Rips ‘Despicable and Embarrassing
Major tech investor Ron Conway has thrown a barrel of gasoline on the rapidly escalating scandal known as AngelGate, in which a group of investors are said ……
Fred Wilson on AngelGate and Where the Web Is Going ..
The Union Square partner shares his thoughts on “superangels,” the globalization of Web services, and such companies as Quora and StackOverflow…
‘AngelGate’ disrupts TechCrunch conference but no ‘Jerry Springer’..
In a colorful blog post, PayPal veteran and angel investor Dave McClure dismissed talk of collusionand “Angelgate” saturated social media — Twitter, Quora, Facebook (and spawned jokes and a Hitler……
The Daily Start-Up: “AngelGate” Escalates – Venture Capital Dispatch…
And the “AngelGate” flap won’t die. Arrington blogged about it, alleging angel collusion. Now angel Ron Conway, who wasn’t at the meeting but whose SV Angel partner David Lee apparently was……
Scripting News: Angelgate in a Nutshell
I was talking about Angelgate earlier today with an entepeneur (the new spelling) a bunch of angels and you’re wondering if the guys you’ve been meeting with were in the collusion meeting that Mike…
How AngelGate Affects You…Yes, You, Racketeering In Silicon Valley still getting worse. Where is the FBI? –
How AngelGate Affects You…Yes, You. In an overcrowded world of mortal human beings, struggling Michael Arrington’s report of collusion among Silicon Valley Super Angels really is as epic a story as it…
What Entrepreneurs Should do about Price Fixing – CloudAve
_ We all know about AngelGate by now. As a funny coincidence I happend to have written about the topic of collusion 3 weeks prior to the fateful dinner.…
The Real Lesson of AngelGate | Force of Good
The Real Lesson of AngelGate. Posted on September 23, 2010 · 11 Comments. He starts screamingcollusion in a quite successful attempt to draw page views.
Founders Come First | True Ventures
First the “smackdown” news and chatter this week and now Angelgate. super angels and VCs, while Fred Wilson at Union Square says collusion has certainly happened where several VCs have been…
AngelGate: Symptom or Problem? |
It seems clear this week’s meme is going to be “AngelGate“, after Michael Arrington crashed a private meeting of West coast “super” angels, accusing them of collusion and price fixing.
“AngelGate” – Who Really Has the Power? – 3Q Digital
So today AngelGate may be a big deal, but in the long run it won’t amount to much – the power is shifting to the entrepreneur, and no amount of collusion from angels or VCs can stop that.…
The Daily Start-Up: “AngelGate” Escalates – RPI Engage | Forum
The Daily Start-Up: “AngelGate” Escalates. Posted by Remy Arteaga on September 24, 2010 at 10:55am in News. Arrington blogged about it, alleging angel collusion.
PDF Angel Investing : How do angel investors gain traction?
AngelGate: Is collusion between angel investors to gain an advantage in investing in startups illegal? Angel Investing: Is it fair for someone who calls themselves a “seed” investor to require traction?
do angel investors gain traction…
What Entrepreneurs Should do about Price Fixing
_ We all know about AngelGate by now. As a funny coincidence I happend to have written about the topic of collusion 3 weeks prior to the fateful dinner.…
…angel meetup at Bin 38 with everyone but @Arrington #angelgate..
Attend the secret super angel meetup at Bin 38 with everyone but @Arrington #angelgate. ” i missed this meeting, can it turn into a monthly entrepreneur collusion meeting? “
BoomTown Decodes Conway’s Super Angel Email to Fellow Investors..
Dave “Sue Sylvester” McClure uses his bullhorn blog to call foul about a not-naming-names-but-still-really-mad-as-hell story of collusion by that creepy kid from the school newspaper who wants to……
Tagxedo, word cloud with styles
Michael Arlington of TechCrunch broke a very colorful story yesterday, now known as Angelgate, about a secret super-angel meeting that he crashed. In his blog, Arlington accused the angels ofcollusion…
Fire in The Valley, Fire in My Belly… and Yes, Mike, I Have Stopped…
Heh, whether AngelGate is true or not, we live in a Goldman Sachs/BP world. I don’t think you’d ever wade into collusion. But, how’d you feel about a group of VCs gathering before the next round?
If the Tesla D’s Such a Great Car… | The American Spectator
Why Crony Capitalism Gives the Free Market a Black Eye. Gary Shapiro. Nation’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant Operator Seeks State Subsidies …’s-such-great-car…
Elon Musk, Grabby Crony Capitalist – LCT Magazine
Elon Musk, Grabby Crony Capitalist. Posted on March 26, 2015 by Martin Romjue – Also by this author. Post a comment | Comments 0 | Welcome to ……
Elon Musk, the ultimate entrepreneur in aCrony Capitalist
Elon Musk is truly a brilliant entrepreneur; initial c0-founder of Paypal, visionary founder of SpaceX and now Tesla motor cars. I met Mr. Musk back in my Air Force ……
Elon Musk Gets Government Loans, Buys $17 Million House
We live in the gilded age of crony capitalism. If you have any doubt about that fact look no further than Elon Musk’s purchase of a $17 million mansion in Bel Air ……
Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in .
Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a multibillion-dollar fortune running … SpaceX has won more than $5.5 billion in government contracts from ……
Elon Musk: Government’s $5 Billion Crony Kick-back Man – Nevada News and Views
Musk is one of the hottest CEOs in the country, and Tesla stock has been a strong performer. But one key to Musk’s success is that his companies have, according to …
Elon Musk: Government’s $5 Billion Man
Capitalism 2015: In corporate finance today, the theme is Go where the money is. For Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, SolarCity and SpaceX, the place to hunt for cash isn’t …$5-B…
Elon Musk: Government’s $5 Billion Man –
Breaking News. VIDEO… SOLDIER WHO KILLED 16 AFGHANS SAYS HE WAS ‘CONSUMED BY WAR’… American Pharoah becomes 1st Triple Crown winner in 37 years
The Techtopus: The Silicon Valley Wage Suppression Cartel (w
Matt & Michael hosted Pando Daily Senior Editor Mark Ames who explains the origins of the SiliconValley wage suppression cartel, how George Lucas helped …
The Silicon Valley wage suppression conspiracy
The cartel firms can also afford to pay you a more, … Silicon Valley employers need to do whatever is necessary to stay the engine of innovation for the ……
The Techtopus: How Silicon Valley’s most celebrated CEOs
In early 2005, as demand for Silicon Valley engineers began booming, Apple’s Steve Jobs sealed a secret and illegal pact with Google’s Eric Schmidt to ……
The Friday Roast – Silicon Valley’sdespicable wage cartel
Some of Silicon Valley’s best known names, Apple and Google among them operated a wage cartel. Now they’re being punished.…
Taxi industry piles on ‘Silicon Valley cartel’| Capital New York
In recent weeks, the San Francisco-based taxi app called Lyft has been trying to launch in the New York City market, so far without success. State and city officials ……
Silicon Valley workers may pursue collusion case as group
Jan 14 Roughly 60,000 Silicon Valley workers won clearance to pursue a lawsuit accusing Apple Inc, Google Inc and other companies of conspiring to drive ……
Secret anti-labor cartel alleged in SiliconValley |
Secret anti-labor cartel alleged in Silicon Valley. Posted: 2 … in lost income for some 100,000 SiliconValley engineers whose salary was ……
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Crony Capitalism - The Real Cause Of Society's Problems
Submitted by Tyler Durden
Submitted by Richard Ebeling via,
Since the economic downturn of 2008, the critics of capitalism have redoubled their efforts to persuade the American people and many others around the world that the system of individual freedom and free enterprise has failed.
These critics have insisted that it is unbridled capitalism, set loose on the world, which is the source of all of our personal and society misfortunes. We hear and read this not only in the popular news media and out of the mouths of the political pundits. We see it also in the election of a radical socialist to the leadership of the British Labor party, and a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” riding high in the public opinion polls for the Democratic Party’s nomination to the U.S. presidency.
The first observation to make is that many if not most of the social and economic misfortunes that are most frequently talked about are not the product of a “failed” free enterprise. The reason for this is that a consistently practiced free enterprise system no longer exists in the United States.
The Heavy Hand of Regulation
What we live under is a heavily regulated, managed and controlled interventionist-welfare state. The over 80,000 pages of the Federal Register, the volume that specifies and enumerates all the Federal regulations that are imposed on and to which all American businesses are expected to comply, is just one manifestation of the extent to which government has weaved a spider’s web of commands over the business community.
The Small Business Administration has estimated that compliance costs imposed on American enterprise by this mountain of regulations maybe upwards of $2 trillion a year.
At the same time, the tangled web of corrupt government-private sector relationships is also reflected in the size and cost of special interest lobbying activities connected with the Federal government.
According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Government, in 2014 there were almost 12,000 registered lobbyists working in Washington, D.C. Their job is to influence the writing of legislation that serve special interest groups attempting to obtain sectorial tax breaks, anti-competitive regulations or market restrictions, redistributions of wealth, or taxpayer funded subsidies and protections from the realities of free market competition and trade, or to advance various ideologically motived “causes.”
Spending Big Money to Plunder Others
The Center for Responsive Government, which tracks who lobbies and for what purposes and causes through the targeting of specific holders of or contenders for Federal elected office, including the Presidency and both Houses of the U.S. Congress, estimated that in 2014 lobbyists spent nearly $3.25 billion in the pursuit of privileges for some at the expense of others in society.
Just alone in 2013-2014, over $500 million dollars was spent on lobbying activity by the financial, insurance, and real estate sectors. Ideological and single-issue groups spent more than $352 million. Lawyers and lobbyists spent $151.5 million; health industry companies spent $142 million; and labor unions “invested” $140.6 million on lobbying.
Communications and electronic companies spent $116 million; energy and natural resource sector, $115 million; agribusiness, $77 million; construction companies, $67.7 million; transportation firms, $61 million, and defense companies, $25.4 million.
Based on the Senate Office of Public Records, the Center for Responsive Government calculates that lobbyists spent close to $41 billion on lobbying activities over the last 15 years, since the beginning of the twenty-first century.
These billions of special interest-serving dollars have influenced and affected the spending of trillions of dollars of Federal government expenditures over the same decade and a half. The lobbyists work with and use those who hold high political office so the special interest and ideological groups who employ them can plunder many others in American society; they can be viewed as among the most successful enterprisers in the country.
The Best Politicians Money Can Buy
But the symbiotic relationship between politicians and special interest groups of all types does not begin or end with the formal lobbying for legislative, regulatory and fiscal privileges and favors in the halls of Congress and the White House in Washington, D.C.
It goes on all year round all over the country in the form of campaign and electioneering contributions to get those elected or reelected who can be depended upon to direct the powers of government in ways that interest groups and ideological activists desire and from which they hope to benefit.
Again according to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2013-2014, individuals and PACS donated over $1.6 billion to 1,671candidates of both major political parties running for office in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Democratic Party candidates received $736 million, while Republican Party candidates received $901.5 million.
While it may seem unseemly to suggest such a thing, these amounts for legislative lobbying and campaign funding, of course, do not include more millions of dollars that grease the palms of those in political power or who want to be in those lofty positions that represent funding that are outside the official channels in the form of “gifts,” travel junkets, off-the-books expense accounts, and out-and-out bribes of one type or another.
The real world of corrupted and corrupting crony capitalism includes more than lobbying expenditures and campaign contributions to have ringside seats in the halls of political plunderland.
The media has been in a frenzy with the revelations that the Volkswagen automobile company manipulated information about emission standards on its diesel vehicles to deceive environmental regulators in both the United States and Europe. This is being portrayed by many in the media as another example and “proof” of the consequences of unbridled capitalism, when left outside of sufficiently tight and demanding government regulation and intense oversight.
Government Partnerships and the Volkswagen Scandal
However, a closer look shows that this is, instead, another example of the result arising from government, business and labor union “partnerships.” In Germany, labor union representatives sit on the executive boards of large companies and corporations that work closely with various levels of the German government to attain political and “social” goals and objectives very different and separate from what a truly free market company does in pursuing peaceful and honest profits in the service of consumer demand on open, competitive markets.
On September 25, 2015, The New York Times quoted a former Volkswagen executive who said:
“There’s no other company where the owners and the unions are working so closely together as Volkswagen. [Volkswagen] guarantees jobs for over half the supervisory board. What management, the government and the unions all want is full employment, and the more jobs, the better. Volkswagen is seen as having a national mission to provide employment to the German people. That’s behind the push to be No. 1 in the world. They’ll look the other way about anything.”
In such a politicized market economy, working for and serving “national” and “social” interests become the guiding principle of business decision-making. Not only does it lead to wasteful and inefficient economic business operations having less or sometimes nothing to do with cost-effective management and allocation of labor and resources to make better, newer and less expensive products, it also corrupts the individuals participating in these activities.
Breaking one or more regulatory standards imposed by government on these enterprises is merely one way of “doing business” to advance other political goals such as “jobs” and “full employment” that are expected as part of the “partnerships” with local and national-level politicians and labor union leaders.
The only thing expected from the business enterprises in these intricate political webs is: Don’t get caught. If you do, then your political partners become like Captain Renault, the prefect of police in the 1942 movie “Casablanca.” When Renault orders the closing of Rick’s Café, the owner asks him on what grounds. Renault declares that he is “shocked, shocked” to discover that there is gambling going on in the café. At which point the roulette coupé appears with a stack of franc banknotes in his hand and says to Renault, “Your winnings, Sir.”
Volkswagen got caught, and will pay handsomely in financial and other penalties that will, no doubt, be imposed by the U.S. and European governments. And all the time, Volkswagen’s political partners, especially in Germany, who fostered and worked with the company to play its part in the “game” of government interventionism that has nothing to do with market-oriented enterprise, will sanctimoniously condemn the greedy and “selfish” conduct of profit-hungry businessmen.
What all these examples and facts about lobbying activities, campaign funding and government-business partnerships highlight is the pervasive extent to which “capitalism” as it now exists in the United States or Europe – or in fact all other parts of the world – has nothing to do with free market, laissez-faire capitalism.
Corrupting Hand of the Interventionist State
The Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises, described this twisted, corrupted, and politicized capitalism over 80 years ago, in 1932, in an essay on “The Myth of the Failure of Capitalism,” published shortly before the coming of Hitler and the Nazi movement to power:
“In the interventionist state it is no longer of crucial importance for the success of an enterprise that the business should be managed in a way that it satisfies the demands of consumers in the best and least costly manner.
“It is far more important that one has ‘good relationships’ with the political authorities so that the interventions work to the advantage and not the disadvantage of the enterprise. A few marks’ more tariff protection for the products of the enterprise and a few marks’ less tariff for the raw materials used in the manufacturing process can be of far more benefit to the enterprise than the greatest care in managing the business.
“No matter how well an enterprise may be managed, it will fail if it does not know how to protect its interests in the drawing up of the custom rates, in the negotiations before the arbitration boards, and with the cartel authorities. To have ‘connections’ becomes more important that to produce well and cheaply.
“So the leadership positions within the enterprises are no longer achieved by men who understand how to organize companies and to direct production in the way the market situation demands, but by men who are well thought of ‘above’ and ‘below,’ men who understand how to get along well with the press and all the political parties, especially with the radicals, so that they and their company give no offense. It is that class of general directors that negotiate far more often with state functionaries and party leaders than with those from whom they buy or to whom they sell.
“Since it is a question of obtaining political favors for these enterprises, their directors must repay the politicians with favors. In recent years, there have been relatively few large enterprises that have not had to spend very considerable sums for various undertakings in spite of it being clear from the start that they would yield no profit. But in spite of the expected loss it had to be done for political reasons. Let us not even mention contributions for purposes unrelated to business – for campaign funds, public welfare organizations, and the like.
“Forces are becoming more and more generally accepted that aim at making the direction of large banks, industrial concerns, and stock corporations independent of the shareholders . . . The directors of large enterprises nowadays no longer think they need to give consideration to the interests of the shareholders, since they feel themselves thoroughly supported by the state and that they have interventionist public opinion behind them.
“In those countries in which statism has most fully gained control . . . they manage the affairs of their corporations with about as little concern for the firm’s profitability as do the directors of public enterprises. The result is ruin.
“The theory that has been cobbled together says that these enterprises are too big to allow them to be managed simply in terms of their profitability. This is an extraordinarily convenient idea, considering that renouncing profitability in the management of the company leads to the enterprise’s insolvency. It is fortunate for those involved that the same theory then demands state intervention and support for those enterprises that are viewed as being too big to be allowed to go under . . .
“The crisis from which the world is suffering today is the crisis of interventionism and of national and municipal socialism; in short, it is the crisis of anti-capitalist policies.”
How different is today, in its essential qualities, from Mises’ description of the interventionist state and government-business “partnerships” during those years between the two World Wars?
Real Free Markets Mean Privileges for None
If what we have today is what is widely referred to as “crony capitalism,” then how might we define and explain what a truly free market capitalism would be like? Let me suggest that the following seven points capture the essence of a real free economy:
All means of production (land, resources, capital) are privately owned;
The use of the means of production is under the control of private owners who may be individuals or corporate entities;
Consumer demands determine how the means of production will be used;
Competitive forces of supply and demand determine the prices of consumer goods and the various factors of production including wages of workers;
The success or failure of individual and corporate enterprises is determined by the profits and losses these enterprises earn in free competition with their rivals in the market place;
The free market is not confined to domestic transactions, and includes freedom of international trade;
Government is limited in its activities to the enforcement and protection of life, liberty, and honestly acquired property against, violence and fraud.
In a real free market, there is no place for politicians to offer privileges and favors, because there are none to sell. There is no motive or gain for special interest groups to spend huge sums of money in campaign contributions or lobbying expenses, because political benefits for some at others’ expense cannot be bought.
Wasteful and corrupting “partnerships” between government and business enterprises cannot occur because political authority is restrained from any task other than the securing of each individual’s right to his life, liberty, and peacefully acquired property.
As Ludwig von Mises said, the political and economic crises through which the world suffers is not the crisis or failure of the free market. No, it is the crisis and failure of the interventionist-welfare state, and its anti-free market capitalist ideology.
How Tesla and Solyndra were total crony capitalism kick-back scams:Have you seen the, now famous, 60 Minutes episode? Take a look:
Click This Link:
You can see more about that in the many broadcast news stories; at this link:
or this link:
Here is the story, that you have seen in the news lately, about the group known as: “The Silicon Valley Cartel, the biggest scam in tech.”
As an example of one of nearly a hundred attacks on U.S. taxpayers, and voters, by corrupt Senators, and their campaign financiers, take a look at this example case:
In a case of “awkward timing”, During the Iraq War, Team-6 was asked, via Congressional invitation and Congressional Commendation (published in the Federal Register by the United States Congress), to develop, for the United States, via the U.S. Department of Energy, the technology requested as the back-up plan, for when, and if, the Middle East went “sideways”. (If you have been reading the news, you will have noticed that has already happened) Team-6 won federal and industry commendations, federal grants, historical patents, federal contracts, industry acclaim U.S. Congressional commendation in the Federal Register, built and demonstrated numerous versions of the technology. The technology is an instant-swap/recharge battery that runs longer than almost any other battery, can use almost any one of over 3000 organic material fuel compositions, it leaves only drinkable water as it’s waste, needs no new infrastructure and can be created entirely from domestic materials including household kitchen waste. All of the technology is already fully functional, globally, in industrial uses.
Not only did the technology work, it has been deployed by competing interests globally in over $300M worth of contracts. 100% of the technology is in use in the world today.
Alas, the technology Team-6 developed was the one technology that, not only, obsoleted the Cartel’s scam but, in hindsight, exceeded it, by many paradigms in safety, cost, national security, ease-of-distribution, consumer access, consumer price-point, and a vast number of other metrics. The Cartel had taken over the lithium battery industry, which relied entirely on foreign incursions, toxic chemicals and off-shore mining deals, in advance, but nobody told Team-6 before they got roped into building the “lithium-killer”.
This journalist says it best: “With this fuel cell technology, If UPS, FedEx, a natural gas line or a water line, could reach your home, then your home was already set-up to use clean, sustainable energy that you had control over. The Cartel didn’t like that, because that meant that 3.4 billion consumers could already compete with them. ‘We couldn’t have consumers doing things on their own, now could we’?”
The Cartel politicians, and their campaign backers, went to war over it.
In retribution for assisting federal investigators, and for Team-6 “building a better mousetrap”, the corrupt billionaires hired Gawker Media and Gizmodo (SEE THIS LINK FOR DESCRIPTION OF THIS GROUP), a “troll farm” blogging service and “sock puppets”, to embed the word “scam” next to every mention of Team-6 ‘s name, and staff, on the internet, HR databases and network services, as a character assassination program, in order to seek to terminate income flow, in retribution and revenge for Team-6 helping Congress and law enforcement interdict the political and financial crimes.
Click This Link, BELOW, to download an adobe .pdf file with the latest press clippings about Gawker lawsuits and investigations: (GAWKER MEDIA EXPOSED AS HIT-JOB FRONT FOR SILICON VALLEY CARTEL)
Gawker and their Silicon Valley Campaign partners, who own Google, then had Google lock the attack on the front page of Google, refusing to remove it after numerous legally correct requests by lawyers, in order to accelerate the damage to Team 1. The FBI, The San Francisco Police Department, The SEC, The OSC, The GAO, The FTC, The U.S. Senate and other agency’s, are now investigating this political and economic retribution attack on Team-6 and active case numbers now exist for this, and related matters, with those agencies. Google, and the coordinating parties, have now been tracked and confirmed, by digital forensics, as fully complicit and now bear the brunt of all loss liabilities to Team-6 . In addition to the recent Sony, Snowden, HSBC and other leaks; forensic IT tracking data; Silicon Valley and Washington DC whistle-blowers ; the sheer volume of the attacks; and their exclusive, IT data metrics confirmed, locked position on Google, prove the point of a coordinated and consciously manipulated attack, thus holding Google, and the related Cartel entities, liable for all losses and damages. In England this is called “hoisted by your own pitard”. English and French courts are discussing litigation against Google, with this case as one of the example metrics of Google’s manual search results manipulation to attack adversaries. Over 400,000 pages of evidence have now been acquired.
In short: Team-6 engineered, designed, built, demonstrated, delivered, patented and began marketing technologies that the Cartel either asked to look at, then took, without compensation, or sabotaged because they beat the Cartel technologies. After millions of dollars of federal patent office research, not a single Cartel technology has proven to have preceded Team-6 technologies. In every single case, it has been proven that this Cartel of campaign finance manipulators, asked, in writing to look at Team-6 technology, and then, either: rejected it in writing as “unworkable”, yet they then copied and sold 100% copies of the “unworkable” technologies as their own; or, sabotaged the technology to prevent it from affecting their market. Team-6, and other companies, who suffered the same attacks, are seeking fair, equally resourced public federal court & media hearings, to resolve the issues.
This was particularly ironic, since some of the Cartel “bad guys” have now been arrested, indicted and/or placed under FBI investigation for actually running a real embezzlement scam. The FBI Solyndra Raid, the U.S. Senate investigations and 14 other criminal investigations have put severe heat on the corrupt technology investors and politicians who Team-6. Per data exposure from Snowden, Greenwald, etc., Per Snowden/Greenwald/HSBC/Sony leaks, federal investigators have been found to have had every suspect under long-term extensive surveillance and now, their state and federal prosecutions are only a matter of time.
Team-6 will, now, always fight the good fight against criminal behaviour, bad ethics and public policy corruption. Their credentials, references, broadcast news videos and past project evidence, clearly counter-measure any of the attack false-hoods presented by those people. The GAO, OMB, FBI, U.S. Treasury, Washington Post, and hundreds of university research groups, calculate the loss, to the United States and the American taxpayer, from these crimes, at well over one trillion dollars of losses.
By Dan Epstein
News flash: Government subsidies and special-interest favors go hand in hand.
The latest example comes from a federal green-energy loan program. Last month, the DC District Court ruled that Cause of Action, where I am executive director, can proceed with a lawsuitagainst the Department of Energy. We’re suing the federal government for the blatant political favoritism in its $25 billion “Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program.”
In principle, this taxpayer-funded program was supposed to support the manufacture of energy-efficient cars. In practice, it rewarded a select few well-connected companies.
Since the program was created in 2008, numerous businesses have applied for its taxpayer-backed financial support. Yet only a small number were approved. Among the lucky few were two electric car manufacturers: Teslaand Fisker.
Both companies’ political connections run deep, especially Tesla’s. The company’s founder, Elon Musk, was a max donor for President Obama. One of its board members, Steven Westly, was appointed to a Department of Energy advisory board. And another Obama bundler, Tesla investor and adviser Steven Spinner, secured employment in the department’s Loan Program Office—the very office that gave the company a taxpayer-backed loan.
Fisker also has friends in high places. The company, which has since gone bankrupt, was backed by a San Francisco venture capital firm whose senior partners donated millions to the 2008 Obama campaign and other Democrat causes. One partner, John Doerr, parlayed his support into a seat on the President’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness.
Such connections can allow a company to exert political pressure to enrich itself. Unsurprisingly, Department of Energy emails show that such pressure was rampant in its loan programs.
There’s no shortage of examples. The department’s leaders—including then-Secretary of Energy Steven Chu—repeatedly promised to deliver results to politicians like Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.). One emails reads, “DOE has made a political commitment” to approve a company’s loan. Another says the “pressure is on real heavy” from none other than Vice President Joe Biden. And still another shows an employee asking, “what’s another billion anyhow?”
Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration gave Tesla and Fisker preferential treatment, and then some.
The Department of Energy revised its review process in order finish the companies’ applications faster. The government gave them extraordinary access to its staff and facilities—even to the point of having government employees personally walk them through the loan application and approval process. The department ignored its own lending rules in order to approve the companies’ loans. And it renegotiated the terms of some loans after the companies could not keep their original commitments or were experiencing financial difficulties. Tellingly, Fisker has since gone out of business, despite receiving over a billion dollars in loans through this federal program.
Now contrast this preferential treatment with what happened to XP Vehicles and Limnia, neither of which have the same political connections. (My organization is suing the Department of Energy on their behalf). The two companies partnered to manufacture an energy-efficient sport utility vehicle that would have competed with Tesla and Fisker’s cars. They applied for loans in 2008 and 2009 under the same loan program.
The department refused them both—and it used bogus reasons to do so.
For starters, the department made claims that were laughably false. To take one example: It rejected XPV’s application because its vehicle was powered by hydrogen. It was an electric SUV. It also raised objections that it didn’t raise with other companies whose applications were approved. For instance: The bureaucracy criticized the proposed all-electric vehicle for not using a specific type of gasoline. Yet Tesla and Fisker received the loans despite producing similar all-electric cars.
In light of these obvious problems and hypocrisy, both companies presented the Department of Energy with detailed rebuttals. Yet the government failed to respond. To this day, both XPV and Limnia are awaiting a satisfactory reply. In the meantime, XPV has gone out of business, unable to compete against its politically connected—and subsidized—rivals.
This casts the Department of Energy’s loan program in a new light. It was sold to the American public as a means of promoting energy-efficient vehicles. Instead, it was used to benefit a select few well-connected companies. It was a blatant crony handout, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.
Sadly, similar examples are widespread in Washington. That’s no surprise considering the feds spend roughly $100 billion a year in taxpayer-funded handouts to businesses. This breeds the sort of government-business collusion Americans think is rampant in Washington. In fact, over two-thirds of likely voters think the federal government helps businesses that hire the most lobbyists, shake the right hands, and pad the right pockets. They’re right.
This points to a simple conclusion: Politicians and bureaucrats shouldn’t use the public’s money to pad private companies’ bottom lines. As the Department of Energy’s green-vehicle loan program shows, the capacity for corruption is immense—and inevitable.
Epstein is executive director of Cause of Action, a government watchdog.
“This was an organized crime operation, involving state and federal employees, which cost the taxpayers, and American business, a record-breaking amount of losses, as well as massive damage to the public policy process..” – Federal Investigator – GAO/Treasury
“If corrupt politicians, and their financiers, don’t mind having the FBI, and 20 other enforcement agencies, up their back-sides, for the rest of their lives; along with the news media, and the voters, then they should probably keep doing these sorts of crimes…” Senior Reporter – Washington Post
Massive Corruption at Department of Petroleum and Energy
The Green Corruption Files
Department of Energy Corruption: The Cleantech KickBack .
Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and ..
Department of Energy Corruption | THE TECHNOLOGY POLICY REVIEW
Department of Energy | National Legal
Revealed: Department of Energy officials sat in on Solyndra .
Department of Energy Archives –
Xyz Case- a Washington Corruption Scandal
Media Ignore New Emails Detailing Obama Energy Dept …
Solyndra Investigation: Probe Into White House Role in ..
Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans”..
…is the Clean Line Corruption at the U.S. Department of Energy?.
Corruption and scandal at Obama & Chuís green DEPT of ENERGY
…Solyndra Scandal Opens Door on Green Energy Corruption
Exclusive: Obama Department of Energy Loan Application [Biff…
Obama touts $400M loan to solar company run by corrupt…
Can President Obama Name ONE Clean Energy Success? –
Your Government
Steven Chu | The Green Corruption Files
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu – 10 Most Wanted
Steven Chu must go – Energy Dept. Disaster | The SUA Blog .
Was Steven Chu “The Secretary of Corruption“?
Top 10 “Most Corrupt” List
An Open Letter To Steven Chu– Secretary Of Energy – USA ..
Steven Chu | National Legal and Policy Center
The Department of Energy Scam Lost over a Trillion Dollars …
10 Most Corrupt Politicians of 2012 –
The Steven Chu Department of Energy Scam! |
America’s Main Problem: Corruption Washington’s Blog
The Green Corruption Files | Exposing the largest, most …
Department of Energy Corruption: The Cleantech KickBack Scheme
The Steven Chu Department of Energy Scam! – THE DAILY NEWS …
Energy Secretary Steven Chu resigns — things are about to get worse!
You can see more about this story at these news links: and upward!
For more details, use the following internet search terms, in the search field, on the web search engines at;;;,, : “Solyndra Corruption” , “Steven Chu corruption”, “Department of Energy Corruption”, “The Silicon Valley Cartel”, “AngelGate Collusion”, “The Silicon Valley Anti-poaching conspiracy”, “Afghanistan Lithium”, “Tesla Motors fires”, “Who is In-Q-Tel”, “In-Q-Tel, The Corbett Report”, “Elon Musk government money”, “Kleiner Perkens scandals”, “Silicon Valley Campaign backers”, “IRS hit jobs lerner”, “Google campaign financing”, and related search phrases… (It is advised to avoid Google searches, in this matter, as Google is owned by the parties under investigation by the FBI, FTC, EU, OSC, CC, ACLU, SEC and other investigations, and is, thus, a “compromised entity”)
How did the tide turn?
In the old days, when this all began, state and federal agency people would first think:
“How can we keep the politicians from getting upset? We’d better cover this up!”
In the new era, with a national election just around the corner, the lowest Congressional approval rate in history, the dawn of the Age of Transparency and leaked documents dropping like rain, from every sector, the agencies are now thinking:
“How can we keep the voters from getting MORE upset? We’d better fix this properly!”
More News Coverage:
(Re-printed From Simon’s Blog)
You work hard. Your pay stub has 40% taken out of it. This is over a
Trillion Dollars of your money that was taken and put into the “bad
guys” pockets so they could buy private jets and roller coasters.
It’s not like your town needed that money to pay teachers and fireman
and pave the roads.
Type “Silicon Valley Cartel” into the search engine and read the hard facts about an actual, operating, organized crime effort in a huge Silicon Valley scam. Then type “AngelGate”, and read more about it.
The broadcast news stories, below, and over 5000 others you can see at THIS LINK, and others, go into details about the crime that investigators believe the suspects engaged in.
When you have been asked to assist the FBI, The GAO, the U.S. Congress and other law enforcement entities in an anti-corruption investigation, it turns out that you get media “hit-jobs” put on you. For more on how to know the players. See This LINK.
Over 200 Silicon Valley tech companies have now faced the onslaught. Protect yourself, and your project, from black-listing, organized and synchronized media attacks, “troll farm” floods, HR Data Base manipulation, Search engine rigging and other criminal, and unethical, punitive tactics by those who believe they can operate outside of the law. Read more at the link above and:
and related sites…
For Details on related cases see the following video news coverage:
As one CEO said: “Of Course, in the Case of Team 1; Elon Musk, John Doerr and Eric Schmidt probably love us more than life itself. It is hard to imagine that they were the people who led the attack in this one particular case we can think of….but who knows, we live in interesting times.”
But, for discussion purposes, let’s say there were some billionaire politico types who thought your technology was obsoleting their technology and who found that your team kept one-up-ing them. If they go after you, here is what you can do –
How Do You Fight Back When Large Corrupt Entities Attack You:
Your adversaries will hire private investigators known as “Opposition Researchers”. Regular people call them “hit-men”. From the famously vindictive Sidney Blumenthal, to the notorious Richard Berman, to unknown college kid junior “hit-men” in training; when they come for you it will be harsh, massively financed and driven by the madness of power-hungry campaign technology billionaires.
Your saving grace, though, will always be this: The “bad
guys” are forced to operate in darkness
and stealth, once exposed to the light, they will wither and
crawl away. In this new Age of Transparency, the ability to
shed light
on bad guys is more potent than ever! Look to major journalists,
social networks and carbon-copy every law enforcement
agency, so everyone knows what is going on, and
so that no single entity can “stone-wall” or cover-up.
Tips for Tech Companies Under Attack –
1. Cooperate with every law enforcement agency request. Every law enforcement agency will have an interest in terminating felony-grade law-breaking.
2. When they seek to destroy your reputation. Prove
them wrong in public. In our case, the volume of great
references and broadcast news acclaim,
posted on this site, counters any credibility attacks. They will
try to spin the phrase “scam” or “not
credible” into their attacks. Prove them wrong with the facts. Offer to
meet them in any federal court or live TV debate to prove the
facts. If the “bad guys” are involved in crime, be sure to show
those facts in your public debate, so that people consider the
source of the attacks. It isn’t possible to take a considered read
of our references and proven deliverable documentation and not
realize that any “scam” attack media/blog clips are fabricated by
the attackers. In our case, we have seen law enforcement records
and investigator documents proving severe felony-level crimes were
engaged in by the people suspected of attacking our Team. We are
extremely confident about who will be looking bad when everything is
all-said-and-done. In today’s total information world, you can hire
thousands of services that can track the off-shore tax evasion
accounts, escort services, political bribes and illegal PAC groups,
kick-backs, insider trading and other criminal actions that any criminal
billionaire, that is attacking you is involved in. If you find such
information, help the law enforcement people by delivering it to
all of them. The level of felony crimes, these kinds of people get
involved in, are “felony-grade embezzlement and racketeering matters”,
according to the FBI. They are going to get in pretty big trouble.
In the cases where they used taxpayer money to stage their crimes,
they are going to get in Super Big trouble.
3. Sue them. There are now contingency law firms who will cover the costs of going after big bad guys in exchange for a percentage of the judgement. For example: Many people, and countries, have now proven that Google rigs it’s search engines to harm it’s adversaries. If Google did that to you, the technical proof now exists and you can win in court and get compensated for the damages they caused you.
4. Watch out for “moles”. Crazy rich people have private eye’s and ex-employees that they pay to get a job at your company. They pretend that they are helping you, then they sabotage your effort. Consider past jobs that future employees had with your attackers.
5. Watch the news coverage for exposes about crimes that your attackers are suspected of being involved in and contact others that were harmed by the attackers. Form a support coalition with others that were damaged by the attackers.
6. Read about who does hired character assassinations, and how they do it, at THIS LINK and watch for the early signs of the attacks.
7. To understand the process, watch some of the movies about how the bad guys sabotage: Francis Coppola’s: Tucker, A Man and His Dream; Greg Kinear’s: Flash of Genius, and read some of the history of the “tech take-downs” at THIS LINK
8. Stay on the “side of the Angels”. Good eventually wins over evil. In this new “Age of Transparency”, evil is losing faster than ever.
9. As punishment against you, rich political campaign backers will try to have their federal lackey’s change the law to hurt you. If you are a tech group, for example, the “bad guys”, might organize to suddenly try to change the patent laws so that your business is destroyed. When billionaires put bribes in the right pockets, they accomplish sweeping policy change. Don’t let that happen. Expose the “who” and the “why” in such tactics.
10. Consider Quid-Pro-Quo. In many countries the rule is: “if they do it to you, you have every right to do it back to them”
11. Watch out for “honey traps” in your activities and in on-line sites. Read the Snowden/Greenwald reports on what “Honey Traps” are.
12. The Bad Guys are usually very involved in politics because they like to control things. In order to control politics they own many stealth tabloid publications where they can order attack stories written about you. Some of these kinds of people own famous online media tabloids (ie: Gawker Media Group) and stock tip publications which are really just shill operations for their agendas and attacks. Identify these publications and partner with every person, or company, who they have coordinated attacks on in the past. Read about their attacks on inventor Mike Cheiky, Gary D. Conley, Aaron Swartz, Stan Meyer, Preston Tucker and hundreds of other innovators ( ) that they wanted “out of the way”.
13. Certain “special interests” own, and control, the content on Google, Reddit, Hearst Publications, Motley Fool and other “publication outlets”. You will only see glowing reports about the “bad guys” on those. You will see no negative reports about the “bad guys”, allowed on those sites, and every bad report about you will be manually up-ranked and locked into the top slot on their page in order to damage you. The down-side for the bad guys, though, is that the internet remembers everything. You can now prove, in court, showing technical and historical metric data, that they intentionally locked and damaged you and you can get compensated for the damages.
14. Every single troll blog comment, every pseudo attack article about you, everything is already tracked back to the actual author. The NSA have done it, that is well known. NO amount of TOR, or VPN on top of VPN or stealthing software can hide a troll attacker any more. What is only now becoming known is that the official, and also the independent hacker, Chinese and Russian spies have got almost all of that information too. Hackers have broken into Sony, The White House, All of Target, All of the Federal Employee Records, everything. In a court case you can now, legally, subpoena NSA records to sue the attackers. Others, hearing of your filed case, may just show up and give you the information. Attackers cannot hide behind anonymity any more. Those who were blogging that you “sleep with goats” and “eat unborn children” can now be found out and delt with.
15. Do you have on-line stores and paypal or credit card accounts that take payments at those stores? Trying to make a little cash on the side? Confused about why you never get any orders? The attackers have DNS-re-routed your stores and payment certificates, spoofed your sites and turned off all of your income potential from those on-line options in order to damage your economic potential. Illegal? Yes. Happening to people every day? Yes. Get professional IT services to document the spoofs, and re-routes, and sue the operators of those tactics that are attacking your revenue stream.
16. It costs $50,000.00 to bribe a Senator. Some of these tech billionaires earn that much in 3 minutes. Beware of your Senator. Senators take stock options in tech companies as bribes, watch for linkages. See the 60 Minutes Episode called: Congress Trading On Insider Information.
17. Want a job? Forget about it! The bad guys went into Axciom, Oracle, SAP, and all of the Human Resources and Recruiter databases, and put “red flag notices” on your profile. You will get some great first interviews, but when they run your back-ground check, you will never hear back from that interviewer again. You got “HR Black-listed”, in retribution, for accidentally bothering a campaign billionaire. Hire an HR service to look and print out your false “red flag” HR data-base inserts and use those as evidence in your lawsuit.
18. (This one, submitted by a Washington Post reporter): They will anonymously put all of your email addresses on blacklists, and watch-lists, so that you can’t use services like craigslist, cafe press, zazzle or other on-line services to make money. If you try to open any accounts on those services, you either won’t be able to create an account or, you will get an account, but all of your orders will get “spoofed” into oblivion so you can’t make any money. The attackers believe that by causing you as much economic hard-ship as possible, they can get retribution for what-ever they have perceived that you have done to offend them. Again, use an IT forensic services group to get the data to show this is happening, trace it, and sue the perpetrators.
19. Their actions provide the proof. When you look out on the internet and add up the pronouncements of “scam”, “sleeping with goats”, etc. The volume of attack items proves that no mere mortal, or company, could have acquired that much media unless it was placed there by very wealthy parties. Everyone now knows that the web is controlled. The volume of attacks can often prove that those attacks are fabricated. Additionally, IP Trace Routing and digital tracking now can prove theattackers manipulation of your data, email and website traffic. One of your best sets of evidence will come from the attackers, themselves. The bad guys always leave a digital trail of bread-crumbs leading right back to themselves. You can hire an IT company to build a “tracking array” comprised of hundreds of websites which are bait to catch them in the act. Regarding: Paranoia vs. documented evidence. If you, and others have experienced the tactics, and the police have recorded the tactics being used against you, it isn’t paranoia to be cautious.
Do billionaires really do extreme attacks, like these, on average American citizens?
What do you think “bad guys” would do to steal a Trillion Dollars?
We just heard from another federal agency. Federal law enforcement, private investigators and certain news journalists can now prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with no “ifs”, “ands” or “buts” that certain Silicon Valley billionaires engaged in organized crime activities and, while doing those crimes, attacked a number of parties.
These suspects are doing everything in their power, and spending vast amounts of money, to prevent the requested public hearing, before a Special Prosecutor, in Washington, DC to show the taxpaying public the acquired evidence.